If you're trying to use your ATi card hooked up to a TV via HDMI in Windows then you may have noticed that firstly you have a black border around the screen and secondly that the image looks distorted and not on a 1x1 pixel ratio like it should.
This is because, for some unknown reason, ATi's Catalyst drivers automatically downscale the image when using a HDMI link to TVs, normally referred to as Overscan although overscan is normally used to make the image larger to fit the screen, not vice versa.
Luckily there is a fix for this that doesn't require doing anything other than changing a few settings in the Catalyst Control Center (CCC).
First, open up the Catalyst Control Center. You can do this by using the ATi icon down by the clock, or alternatively right clicking on your desktop and selecting it from there (normally the top option, shown below):
When the CCC pops up, make sure to select
Advanced Mode when it asks. If it doesn't ask then you should find an Advanced button on the bottom left hand corner of the window. Now that you are in advanced mode, click the
Graphics menu button in the top left of the screen and select the
Desktop & Displays option:
You will now be faced with a window that shows your current primary display and a list of your other connected displays below it. Click on the image of your TV and select
Configure from the pop-up menu (highlighted below):
Scaling Options from the list of Tabs at the top of the Window. You're now presented with the page that is causing all the problems. You should notice that the slider for Overscan is set to the middle which means the image is being shrunk by about 8%. Drag the slider all the way to the right so that it's now set to 0%. If your TV is connected while you're doing this then you will see the image enlarge the fill the screen as you move the slider.
Click Ok once you've done that.
Don't ask me why ATi have set their drivers to work like this by default, everyone is a little stumped but at least now you won't be annoyed by the shrunken and distorted image on your TV anymore.